What is Auto duct line 4? Principle and advantages and disadvantages of air duct air conditioning

What is Auto duct line 4

First of all, “air duct machine” is a kind of air conditioner, that is, “air duct machine air conditioner”. Because its volume is larger than the general air conditioner, it is generally hidden in the ceiling, so it is also called “hidden air conditioner”.

In a nutshell, its operating principle is air conditioning through the air duct to the indoor air supply. High static pressure fan is adopted, the static pressure is positively correlated with the air supply head, that is, the greater the static pressure, the longer the air supply head. At this time, high static pressure air supply is far away, but the air duct needs to be longer. The reason why the high static pressure fan is used is to keep the wind pressure delivered to the room from being physically lost in the process of passing through the duct, otherwise the wind sent to the room will be very small.

Specifically, indoor/outdoor units in the air duct air conditioning system are composed of one to one configuration. The outdoor unit is composed of a compressor and an air-cooled condenser, while the indoor unit is composed of an evaporator and a circulating fan. The condenser of the outdoor machine is used to cool the air, and the condenser is connected with the indoor evaporator through the steel pipe, and then sends the cold air to each room through the indoor air supply pipe, and then sends the cold air back to the indoor machine through the return air pipe. At this time, the hot air is cooled and mixed with some fresh cold air and then output the air pipe, so it has been circulating. In addition, the air duct can be evenly arranged in the room according to the indoor space.

The shortage of air duct machine

1. The power consumption of the air duct machine is relatively large. Like ordinary air conditioning, it adopts fixed-frequency technology and consumes quite a lot of power if it is opened for a long time

2. Because the air duct system is indoor and outdoor one to one, if the indoor unit is installed more, there must be enough outdoor unit position, which will also affect the outdoor beauty.

3. The device is noisy.

The above is xiaobian to explain the common sense of air duct air conditioning to you. Now there is no deeper understanding of it, or after measuring the advantages and disadvantages of the air duct machine, it is decided to install a device at home!

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